16 Sections of a PQR


What Is a PQR?

PQR is an abbreviation for Procedure Qualification Record. The PQR is a record of the welding variables which were used during the original qualification of the test coupon. The PQR also includes the destructive testing of that coupon which validates that acceptable mechanical properties were achieved as a result of the process parameters used. Once a PQR has passed the testing requirements it can then be used to write a WPS.

Refer to Section IX QG-102, and QW-200.2 for more details.

What is the Purpose of the PQR?

The purpose of the procedure qualification test is to establish and demonstrate that the proposed joining process is capable of producing the required mechanical properties for the intended application. The PQR is not intended to test the skill of the personnel running the PQR test, as that is the purpose of the welder performance test documented on a WPQ. Throughout Section IX and other welding codes it is important to keep “procedure” and “performance” requirements separated as they can and will have differing essential variables and objectives.

The PQR is a historical record that should not be actively revised except for the correction of typographical errors or rare occasions where the welding code adjusts variables applicable to the PQR. As a historical record the variables recorded on the PQR are the actual values or “actuals” of what was used to run the PQR coupon as compared to the WPS where ranges are listed based on the PQR.

Refer to Section IX QG-102, and QW-200.2 for more details.

What is Included on a PQR?

As a minimum, the PQR shall document the essential variables for the applicable process(es) used on the procedure qualification test, and the results of the required tests. When the PQR successfully passes the required testing it can then be used as the foundation to writing a WPS (Welding Procedure Specification).

When toughness testing is required for qualification of the procedure specification, the applicable supplementary essential variables shall be recorded for each process.

Refer to Section IX QG-102, and QW-200.2 for more details.

PQR Contents

The following is the table of contents for the PQR form QW-483 and the rest of this article.

  1. PQR Header and General Section

  2. QW-402 Joints

  3. QW-403 Base Metals

  4. QW-404 Filler Metals

  5. QW-405 Position

  6. QW-406 Preheat

  7. QW-407 PWHT

  8. QW-408 Gas

  9. QW-409 Electrical Characteristics

  10. QW-410 Technique

  11. QW-150 Tensile Test

  12. QW-160 Guided-Bend Tests

  13. QW-170 Toughness Tests

  14. QW-180 Fillet-Weld Tests

  15. Other Tests

  16. Certification and Signature

  1. PQR Header General Section

ASME Section IX PQR header
  • Organization

    • Name of the qualifying organization

    • See QG-106.1 for organizational responsibilities

    • Companies can utilize PQR’s from companies acquired through mergers or acquisitions.

      • See QG-107 for handling use of PQR’s obtained through Ownership Transfers

  • PQR No.

    • Give the PQR a unique number or title

    • Keep the PQR number to a reasonable length

    • It is best practice if the PQR number includes information that reveals the contents of the PQR

  • Welding Process(es)

    • List the welding process or processes used on the PQR

    • It is common to have one or two weld processes on a single PQR, in some less common cases three or more may be used.

      • 2 Process example: GTAW root and hot pass, FCAW for balance

      • 3 Process example: GTAW root or 1st pass, FCAW for hot pass, and SAW for fill and cap

  • WPS No.

    • This connects the PQR to the WPS it is supporting

    • The WPS also has a field that refers to the PQR or PQR’s supporting the WPS

  • Type(s)

    • This refers to the welding process type, with the options being manual, semi-automatic, automatic, or machine

  • Date

    • This is the date of when the PQR was run or conducted

      • There is also a date on the bottom of the second page of the PQR for when the company representative certifies the PQR by their signature.

2. QW-402 Joints

ASME Section IX PQR QW-402 Joints
  • Joint Design

    • State the joint design or joint type that was used for the PQR, other details included in other fields

  • Joint Configuration details

    • Root opening, Joint Angle, Face or Land, Misalignment (For groove welds)

  • Backing

    • It is important to detail the backing of each process used. Depending on how the form is set up place the weld process in the corresponding field of “Backing Yes” or “Backing No”

    • An open root process is recorded as Backing “No”

    • If Backing was used or a second process is involved on top of a first it is recorded as Backing “Yes”

  • Joint Sketch

    • Sketch the joint configuration with the bead sequence by weld layers

    • Record the deposition thickness of the filler metal(s) and record in QW-404

3. QW-403 Base Metals

ASME Section IX PQR QW-403 Base Metals
  • Plate vs Pipe

    • QW-211 Qualification in plate also qualifies pipe and vice versa

  • Material Specification and Type

    • Record the material, by its specification and Type or Grade. This supports proper identification of the P-Number and Group Number.

    • Some materials may be best defined by their UNS Number (Unified Numbering System) so it is provided as an option

  • P-Number

    • Record the P-Number for the Base Metal used

    • Utilize Section IX Table QW-422 to determine the P-Number

    • Other resources would include

  • Group Number

    • Record the Group Number in addition to the P-Number

    • It is critical in toughness or supplementary testing applications that the Group Number is recorded

  • Thickness (Base Metal Thickness = “T” & Filler Metal Thickness = “t”)

    • The thickness of the PQR coupon needs to be recorded

    • The nominal material thickness is common practice, but a caliper measured thickness may also be used

    • Filler metal deposit thickness is recorded in QW-404 Filler Metals

  • Diameter

    • Diameter is used for piping materials

  • Max Pass Thickness

    • Section IX places restrictions on deposition thickness in excess of 1/2”, so it is important to document if the PQR is above or below that threshold

4. QW-404 Filler Metals

ASME Section IX PQR QW-404 Filler Metals
  • Specification

  • Classification

  • F-Number

    • Record the F-Number for the Filler Metal used

    • Utilize Section IX Table QW-432 to determine the F-Number

    • Other resources include

  • A-Number

    • Record the A-Number for the Filler Metal used

    • Utilize Section IX Table QW-442 to determine the F-Number

    • Other resources include

  • Filler Metal Product Form

    • Filler metal product forms are found in QW-404.23 and include

      • Bare (solid or metal cored)

      • Flux cored

      • Flux coated (solid or metal cored)

      • powder

  • Electrode Flux Classification

    • Applies to Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

    • See QW404.35 regarding the flux wire classification used

  • Flux Type

    • Applies to Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

    • See QW404.34 regarding Flux Type used

  • Flux Trade Name

    • Applies to Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)

    • Flux formulas are proprietary between manufacturers, so it is critical that this information be recorded

  • Weld Metal Thickness

    • Record the thickness of the weld filler metal deposited by each weld process involved

    • For applications such as E6010 & E7018, it is recommended to record each classification individually as the WPS needs to differentiate between the E6010 / F3 without backing, and the E7018 / F4 with backing.

  • Other

    • Used for random information related to the filler metal

    • When Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) is used, this field can be used for “Recrushed Slag”

      • See QW404.36 for requirements addressing if recrushed slag is used during qualification

5. QW-405 Positions

ASME Section IX PQR QW-405 Positions
  • Position

    • Record the position of the PQR coupon as it was welded during qualification

    • See QW-120 for details on Test Positions for Groove welds

    • See QW-130 for details on Test Positions for Fillet welds

    • See QW-461.3 for test positions of Groove welds in Plate

    • See QW-461.4 for test positions of Groove welds in Pipe

  • Welding Progression

    • Record the progression used during the qualification

    • In some cases the root can be in a different direction from the balance so record each process individually if they are different

6. QW-406 Preheat

ASME Section IX PQR QW-406 Preheat
  • Preheat Temperature

    • Record the preheat temperature

  • Interpass Temperature

    • It is best practice to record the interpass temperature between each pass, and only record the max interpass temperature on the PQR

7. QW-407 PWHT

  • PWHT Temperature

    • Record the range of minimum and maximum temperatures of the PWHT during the holding time period

  • Holding Time

    • Record the holding time of the PWHT temperature representing the duration of the start to stop of the target temperature

  • Other

    • Use this space to include ramp rates, ramp thresholds, or other details related to the PWHT

8. QW-408 Gas

ASME Section IX PQR QW-408 Gas
  • Record the gas type, mixture and flow rate for each applicable gas type listed in this section

  • Shielding Gas

    • Record the shielding gas individually for each applicable gas shielded weld process

  • Trailing Gas

    • When applicable trailing gas is applied in the trailing portion of the weld puddle protecting the weld from oxidation as it cools. This is normally only used in high alloy applications such as titanium.

  • Backing Gas

    • Backing gas is applied from the opposite side from where welding is taking place. Flow rate or in some cases oxygen purity is recorded for this variable.

9. QW-409 Electrical Characteristics

ASME Section IX PQR QW-409 Electrical Characteristics
  • Current and Polarity

    • DCEP - Direct Current Electrode Positive (aka Reverse or Reverse Polarity)

    • DCEN - Direct Current Electrode Negative (aka Straight or Straight Polarity)

    • AC - Alternating Current

  • Amperage

    • Record the amperage for each pass, and record the min and max of the range

  • Voltage

    • Record the voltage for each pass, and record the min and max of the range

  • Pulsing

    • If pulsing is used record the details of the pulsing program. Pulsing is only a required variable for GTAW, but there are benefits for including it if used on the PQR to provide proper parameters for the WPS.

  • Wire Feed Speed

    • Record the WFS for each pass, and record the min and max of the range

  • Mode of Metal Transfer

    • This field only applies to GMAW/FCAW, see QW-409.32 for more information

  • Tungsten

    • Record the size and type of tungsten used during qualification. This is a Non-essential variable so adjustments to this variable can be made without re-qualification.

  • Heat Input

    • When supplementary testing is to be applied record the variables that are required for calculating the Heat Input

    • With some more modern equipment heat input can be determined through instantaneous energy or power, details and formulas are provided in Section IX QW-409.1

Heat Input Formula

10. QW-410 Technique

ASME Section IX PQR QW-410 Technique
  • Travel Speed

    • Record the travel speed for each pass, and record the min and max of the range

  • Stringer or Weave

    • Record if stringers, weaving, or both were used on the PQR. This variable can be influential in heat input applications.

  • Oscillation

    • Oscillation only applies to machine or automatic welding (weave applies to manual welding)

  • Single or Multi Pass

    • Identify if the PQR employed a single or multiple passes per side, see QW-410.9

  • Single or Multiple Electrodes

    • Identify if the PQR employed one or more than one electrodes. If more than one provide the specific amount

  • Back Gouge Method

Travel Speed Formula

11. QW-150 Tensile Test

ASME Section IX PQR QW-150 Tensile Test
  • QW-151 refers to Figures of Tension Tests see Figure QW-462.1(a) through Figure QW-462.1(e)

  • Reduced Sections for Tensile Tests

    • QW-151.1 Plate Reduced Sections

    • QW-151.2 Pipe Reduced Sections

    • QW151.3 Turned (round) Specimens

  • QW-152 Tension Test Procedure

  • QW-153 Tension Test Acceptance Criteria

Tensile Test Formula Image

12. QW-160 Guided-Bend Tests

ASME Section IX PQR QW-160 Guided Bend Tests
  • QW-161 Specimens for Guided Bend Tests

  • Types of Guided Bend Tests

    • QW-161.1 Transverse Side Bends

    • QW-161.2 Transverse Face Bends

    • QW-161.3 Transverse Root Bends

    • QW-161.4 Subsize Transverse Face and Root Bends

    • QW-161.5 Longitudinal Bend Tests

    • QW-161.6 Longitudinal Face Bends

    • QW-161.7 Longitudinal Root Bends

  • QW-162 Guided Bend Test Procedure

  • QW-163 Acceptance Criteria for Bend Tests

13. QW-170 Toughness Tests

ASME Section IX PQR QW-170 Toughness Tests
  • QW-170 Toughness Tests

  • QW-171 Charpy V-Notch Tests

  • QW-172 Drop Weight Toughness Tests

14. QW-180 Fillet-Weld Tests

ASME Section IX PQR QW-180 Fillet Weld Tests
  • QW-180 Fillet Weld Tests

  • QW-181 Procedure Qualification Specimens

15. Other Tests

ASME Section IX PQR Other Tests
  • For any other tests performed on the PQR coupon should be contained or referenced in this section

  • Some tests which have lengthy reports can be referenced by their report number, with the report then attached to the back of the PQR

  • Include what company performed the tests for the PQR

16. Certification and Signature

ASME Section IX PQR Certification Footer
  • Include identifying information about the welder who performed the welding of the PQR

    • Keep Social Security Numbers off of the PQR

  • Include the typed name, as well as the signature of the organization’s certifying individual, typically the welding engineer or quality manager for the company. In the case of some smaller companies the manager or owner of the company may sign the PQR.

  • Refer to QW-201 for the Organizational Responsibility to certify the PQR


Procedure Qualification Record PQR


WPS Form Header