WPS Form Header

ASME Section IX Suggested Format

The first section of an ASME Section IX WPS is the header or title block which provides general identifying information as well as standard document control information such as author, document title, and revision.

  • WPS Number

    • The WPS Number or Document Title. This will need to be unique from the other welding procedures in the company library. The WPS Number should be simple and follow a standardized pattern for easy naming and recognition.

  • Date

    • Date is that of the original creation of the WPS. (Revisions have their own Revision Date field)

  • By

    • This is the author of the WPS, associated with the stated WPS revision, who was the WPS written “by”.

  • Revision Number

    • The original WPS should be “0”

    • If changes are made to the WPS the revision and the author should be updated to reflect the changes.

  • Revision Date

    • This is the date of the current revision.

    • The original date of the WPS should not be changed.

  • Organization

    • This is the organization of the company who controls the WPS.

    • The organization on the WPS is often the same as that on the PQR; but will not be in all cases.

    • Organizations need to closely follow the requirements of Section IX QW-103 and QW-201 which further clarify organizational requirements for work performed under their operational control.

  • Supporting PQR Number(s)

    • List all of the PQR’s that support the WPS. This can be one or more than one.

  • Welding Process(es):

    • List the welding processes used on the WPS

  • Weld Process Types:

    • List the process type, such as manual, semi-automatic, automatic, and machine welding. Or a combination of those as applicable.

  • Applicable Codes:

    • This is a suggested field to add to the form to communicate to the user, and/or the reviewer that this WPS has incorporated the requirements of reference standard codes, as well as construction or fabrication codes.

    • An example would be if mis-alignment, pre-heat, or PWHT temperature ranges from B31.3 were included on the WPS, an entry would include Section IX & B31.3.


16 Sections of a PQR


WPS QW-402 Joints