WPS QW-404 Filler Metals

ASME Section IX WPS : QW-404 Filler Metals Example

ASME Section IX Welding Variables for a WPS : QW-404 Filler Metals

  • QW-404.3 - Change in Filler Metal Size

    • Only applies to GTAW

    • A change in the size of the filler metal

    • Non-Essential variable, so a change must be documented on WPS, but it can be changed without the need for requalification

  • QW-404.4 - Change in Filler Metal F-Number

    • A change from one F-Number to any other F-Number as detailed in Table QW-432

    • Based on the PQR F-Number the WPS can only use F-Numbers listed as permitted in Table QW-432

  • QW-404.5 - Change in Filler Metal A-Number

    • The A-Number represents the weld deposit chemistry

    • A change in the chemical composition of the weld deposit from one A-Number to any other A-Number as detailed in Table QW-442

    • A-No. 1 shall qualify for A-No. 2 and vice versa

    • This section lists acceptable methods for determining the A-Number

    • It should be noted that ER70S-6 does not automatically comply with the A-No. 1 limits unless specified to do so at the time of purchase. SFA 5.18 has also included an optional supplementary designator of “A” which can be used to signify that the ER70S-6 complies with the A-No. 1 deposit chemistry, it is listed as ER70S-6A. See more detail in the following article: ER70S-6A Optional Supplementary Designator.

  • QW-404.6 - Change in Filler Metal Diameter

    • A change in the nominal size of the electrode specified on the WPS

      • Does not apply to GTAW. GTAW uses QW-404.3 to address “size” of the filler metal

  • QW-404.9 - Change in Filler Metal Flux Wire Classification (SAW)

    • Only applies to Submerged Arc Welding

    • Provides details on the un-permissible variations of the SAW flux wire classification

  • QW-404.10 - Change in Filler Metal Alloy Flux (SAW)

    • Only applies to Submerged Arc Welding

    • Provides details for applications where the weld metal is largely dependent upon the composition of the flux used.

  • QW-404.12 - Change in Filler Metal Classification (Toughness)

    • Details the permissible and un-permissible variations allowed in the filler metal classification when toughness testing or supplementary essential variables apply.

  • QW-404.14 - Addition or Deletion of Filler Metal (Autogenous)

    • Only applies to GTAW

    • The addition or deletion of filler metal

    • When no filler metal is used the term “autogenous” is used

  • QW-404.22 - Addition or Deletion of Consumable Insert

    • Only applies to GTAW

    • The addition or omission of consumable inserts

  • QW-404.23 - Change in Filler Metal Product Form

    • A change from one of the following filler metal product forms to another

      • Bare (solid or metal cored)

      • Flux Cored

      • Flux Coated (solid or metal cored)

      • Powder

  • QW-404.24 - Addition, Deletion, or Change of Supplemental Filler Metal

    • The addition, deletion, or change of more than 10% in the volume of supplemental filler metal

  • QW-404.27 - Change in Filler Metal Alloy Elements

    • Any change where the alloy content of the weld metal is largely dependent upon the composition of the supplemental filler metal

  • QW-404.29 - Change in Flux Designation (SAW)

    • Only applies to submerged arc welding

    • A change in the flux trade name and designation

  • QW-404.30 - Change in Filler Metal Thickness (t)

    • Lower case “t” represents Filler Metal thickness (Base Metal is capitol “T”)

    • A change in the filler metal deposited thickness beyond that qualified or permitted in accordance with Table QW-451

  • QW-404.33 - Change in Filler Metal Classification

    • Permits changes between filler metal classifications as long as they are still within the SFA specification

    • Includes other details in relation to manufacturer’s trade name when that is applicable

  • QW-404.34 - Change in Filler Metal Flux Type (SAW)

    • Only applies to submerged arc welding

    • A change in flux type for multilayer deposits in P-No. 1 materials

      • Neutral to Active and vice versa

  • QW-404.35 - Change in Filler Metal Flux Wire Classification (SAW)

    • Only applies to submerged arc welding

    • A change in the flux wire classification or a change in either the electrode or flux trade name when the flux wire combination is not classified to an SFA specification.

    • Other details in this section should be referenced for a full understanding of the requirement

  • QW-404.36 - Re-crushed Slag (SAW)

    • Only applies to submerged arc welding

    • If re-crushed slag is used it is an essential variable, and it must follow the requirements of this reference

  • QW-404.50 - Addition or Deletion of Filler Metal Flux (GTAW)

    • Only applies to GTAW

    • The addition or deletion of flux to the face of a weld joint for the purpose of affecting weld penetration

      • This is also commonly referred to as “Activated” or “Activating” flux

      • This activated flux constricts the arc which focuses the current density and amplifies weld puddle penetration. The penetration profile becomes much narrower, and deeper

Essential Variable: Variables for which a change is considered to affect the mechanical properties (other than notch toughness) of the joint. Essential variable changes that fall outside their qualified range requires re-qualification. 

Supplementary Essential Variable: Variables for which a change is considered to affect the toughness properties of the joint, heat-affected zone (HAZ), or base material.

Supplementary essential variables become additional essential variables in situations where toughness testing is required. When toughness testing is not required supplementary essential variables are not applicable. 

Non-Essential Variable: Variables for which a change is considered to not affect the mechanical properties of the joint. This allows for editorial revisions to procedures within that permitted by Section IX without the need to requalify the procedure. Nonessential variables shall be documented on the procedure. 


WPS QW-403 Base Metals


WPS QW-405 Positions