WPS QW-405 Positions

ASME Section IX WPS : QW-405 Weld Positions Example

ASME Section IX Welding Variables for a WPS : QW-405 Positions

  • QW-405.1 - Addition of Position

    • The addition of welding positions than those already qualified

    • As a result of this being a non-essential variable the author can modify this variable without requalification

  • QW-405.3 - Change in Vertical Up or Down Welding

    • A change from upward to downward, or vice versa

    • This paragraph does provide wording for allowing the cover or wash pass to be up or down. In practice this would be uncommon and would likely lead to QC or QA rejecting the weld

    • As a result of this being a non-essential variable the author can modify this variable without requalification

Essential Variable: Variables for which a change is considered to affect the mechanical properties (other than notch toughness) of the joint. Essential variable changes that fall outside their qualified range requires re-qualification. 

Supplementary Essential Variable: Variables for which a change is considered to affect the toughness properties of the joint, heat-affected zone (HAZ), or base material.

Supplementary essential variables become additional essential variables in situations where toughness testing is required. When toughness testing is not required supplementary essential variables are not applicable. 

Non-Essential Variable: Variables for which a change is considered to not affect the mechanical properties of the joint. This allows for editorial revisions to procedures within that permitted by Section IX without the need to requalify the procedure. Nonessential variables shall be documented on the procedure. 


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