AWS D1.1 - PreQualified Blank WPS Form
This is a BLANK AWS D1.1 Prequalified WPS template.
This is a Microsoft Excel editable file, and follows the convention of the AWS D1.1 suggested format of Form J-2.
This file includes individually styled forms for
Also includes version for PWHT
The file is formatted to be ready to use once downloaded, and includes a basic calculator to comply with the tolerances specified in AWS D1.1 Table 5.2.
This file is a BLANK form template.
A revision log is built into the file to assist the author in keeping track of revisions made throughout the life cycle of the WPS.
This is a BLANK AWS D1.1 Prequalified WPS template.
This is a Microsoft Excel editable file, and follows the convention of the AWS D1.1 suggested format of Form J-2.
This file includes individually styled forms for
Also includes version for PWHT
The file is formatted to be ready to use once downloaded, and includes a basic calculator to comply with the tolerances specified in AWS D1.1 Table 5.2.
This file is a BLANK form template.
A revision log is built into the file to assist the author in keeping track of revisions made throughout the life cycle of the WPS.
This is a BLANK AWS D1.1 Prequalified WPS template.
This is a Microsoft Excel editable file, and follows the convention of the AWS D1.1 suggested format of Form J-2.
This file includes individually styled forms for
Also includes version for PWHT
The file is formatted to be ready to use once downloaded, and includes a basic calculator to comply with the tolerances specified in AWS D1.1 Table 5.2.
This file is a BLANK form template.
A revision log is built into the file to assist the author in keeping track of revisions made throughout the life cycle of the WPS.