ASME Section IX

Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications

What does ASME Section IX Cover?

ASME Section IX provides the rules and requirements of qualifying procedures and personnel for welding, brazing, and plastic fusing for application within the scope of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel codes (BPVC).

What does ASME Section IX Contain?

  1. General Requirements for Welding, Brazing, and Plastic Fusing

  2. How to Qualify Welding Procedures, Brazing Procedures, and Plastic Fusing Procedures

  3. How to Qualify Welders, Brazers, and Plastic Fusers

  4. Rules for qualifying welding procedures and welders

  5. How to implement Standard Welding Procedure Specifications

  6. How to use Additive Wire Welding in Material Manufacturing

What is a WPS from ASME Section IX?

WPS is the acronym for Welding Procedure Specification and the recommended form is QW-482.

A WPS is a written document providing direction to the personnel performing the production welding. Welding procedures provide the acceptable ranges of variables that are acceptable to use for each welding process performed in production.

A WPS shall at a minimum address all of the essential, non-essential, and if applicable the supplementary essential variables as defined by Section IX.

What is a PQR from ASME Section IX?

PQR is the acronym for Procedure Qualification Record and the recommended form is QW-483.

The PQR documents the actual welding variables used in the creation of the procedure qualification test coupon and the results of destructive or nondestructive testing applied to the coupon to evaluate its soundness.

One or more PQR’s can support a single WPS, and one PQR can be used to create one or many WPS’.

The purpose of the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) is to ensure the material joining process proposed for construction is capable of producing joints having the required mechanical properties for the intended application.

The purpose of the procedure qualification test is to establish the mechanical properties of the joint produced by the material joining process and not the skill of the personnel using the material joining process.

What is a WPQ from ASME Section IX?

WPQ is the acronym for Welder Performance Qualification and the recommended form is QW-484a

WOPQ is the acronym for Welding Operator Performance Qualification and the recommended form is QW-484b.

The WPQ is sometimes also referred to as a “welders qual”, “welders qualification”, “welders paper”, “paper”, “certification”, or “cert”.

The purpose of Performance Qualification is to determine the ability of the person using a material joining process to produce a sound joint. In Operator Performance Qualification, the basic objective is to determine the ability of the operator to properly operate the equipment to produce a sound joint.

The record produced which documents a successful performance qualification test is known as the WPQ or WOPQ. The performance qualification record documents the essential variables of what occurred during the running of the test coupon, and the way the coupon was tested. The WPQ also contains the range of variables that the welder is qualified for as a result of a passing test.

What Are the Variables Referred to in ASME Section IX?

Essential Variables

Variables for which a change is considered to affect the mechanical properties (other than notch toughness) of the joint. Essential variable changes that fall outside their qualified range requires re-qualification.

Supplementary Essential Variables

Variables for which a change is considered to affect the toughness properties of the joint, heat-affected zone (HAZ), or base material. Supplementary essential variables become additional essential variables in situations where toughness testing is required. When toughness testing is not required supplementary essential variables are not applicable.

Nonessential Variables

Variables for which a change is considered to not affect the mechanical properties of the joint. This allows for editorial revisions to procedures within that permitted by Section IX without the need to requalify the procedure. Nonessential variables shall be documented on the procedure.

How Does Section IX Work With Other ASME Codes?

ASME Section IX works as a reference code in support of the ASME Construction Codes.

Construction Standards: Section I - Power Boilers, Section VIII - Pressure Vessels, B31.1 - Steam Piping, B31.3 - Process Piping

Reference Standards: Section V - Nondestructive Examination (NDE), Section IX - Qualifying Procedures & Personnel

The fabrication or construction standards of BPVC (Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes) such as Section I, Section VIII, B31.1, and B31.3 all reference Section IX for how to qualify the procedures and personnel (welders) for performing any work within the BPVC.

The construction standards each apply to specific industries and types of welded products, and as such will apply additional requirements or restrictions to the foundational requirements of Section IX.

As a reference standard Section IX does not provide specific production joining requirements. Section IX provides the rules on how to qualify the procedures and personnel, and nothing more.

To address production joining requirements the applicable details of the construction standards and engineering specifications need to be incorporated into the welding procedure.

What Are the Main Parts of Section IX?


Procedures refer to the written documents providing the acceptable joining parameters that the welders, brazers, or fusers shall follow in production. Procedures are founded upon the procedure qualification record or PQR. The essential, supplementary essential, and non-essential variables for procedures are addressed in the procedure articles.

The procedure articles are: (notice the pattern 2, 12, 22)

  • Article II - Welding (WPS)

  • Article XII - Brazing (BPS)

  • Article XXII - Plastic Fusing (FPS)


Performance refers to the requirements for qualifying personnel engaged in performing welding, brazing or fusing. The performance articles distinguish between manual qualifications and operator qualifications. The essential variables for performance qualification are listed in the following articles.

The performance articles are: (notice the pattern 3, 13, 33)

  • Article III - Welding (WPQ)

  • Article XIII - Brazing (BPQ)

  • Article XXIII - Plastic Fusing (FPQ)

Joining Data

The joining data articles include the variables for welding, brazing, and fusing. These variables are grouped into categories such as Joints, Base Material, Filler Material, Positions, Preheat, PWHT, Gas, Electrical Characteristics, and Technique. The Joining Data is only referenced when invoked by the Procedure or Performance articles.

The joining data articles are: (notice the pattern 4, 14, 24)

  • Article IV - Welding

  • Article XIV - Brazing

  • Article XXIV - Plastic Fusing

Common ASME Section IX Confusion

It is imperative that the user of Section IX clearly understand the organization of the information, and be in the correct Parts or Articles of Procedures or Performance, of the respective topic being addressed.

It can be common that confusion or disagreements arise from a result of references being extracted from the Parts or Articles pertaining to Procedures, when the topic actually applies to Performance, and vice versa.

The Structure and Organization of ASME Section IX

General Requirements

  • Article I - Welding (1)

  • Article XI - Brazing (11)

  • Article XXI - Plastic Fusing (21)

Procedure Qualifications

  • Article II - Welding (WPS) (2)

  • Article XII - Brazing (BPS) (12)

  • Article XXII - Plastic Fusing (FPS) (22)

Performance Qualifications

  • Article III - Welding (WPQ) (3)

  • Article XIII - Brazing (BPQ) (13)

  • Article XXIII - Plastic Fusing (FPQ) (23)

Joining Data

  • Article IV - Welding (4)

  • Article XIV - Brazing (14)

  • Article XXIV - Plastic Fusing (24)

Standard Welding Procedure Specifications

  • Article V - Welding (SWPS) (5)

Material Manufacturing Using Wire Additive Welding

  • Article VI - Additive Wire Welding (6)

Outline of ASME Section IX

Expanded Structure and Organization of ASME Section IX

Part QG : General Requirements

  • QG-101 : Procedure Specification (WPS)

  • QG-102 : Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)

  • QG-103 : Performance Qualification

  • QG-104 : Performance Qualification Record (Welder Qualification)

  • QG-105 : Variables

  • QG-106 : Organizational Responsibility

  • QG-107 : Ownership Transfers

  • QG-108 : Previous Edition Administration

  • QG-109 : Definitions

Part QW : Welding

  • Article I : Welding General Requirements

  • QW-100 : Scope

    • QW-101 : Procedure Specification (WPS)

    • QW-102 : Performance Qualification (WPQ)

    • QW-103 : Responsibility

  • QW-110 : Weld Orientation

  • QW-120 : Test Positions - Groove Welds

  • QW-130 : Test Positions - Fillet Welds

  • QW-140 : Testing and Examinations

  • QW-150 : Tension Tests

  • QW-160 : Guided Bend Tests

  • QW-170 : Toughness Tests

  • QW-180 : Fillet-Weld Tests

  • QW-190 : Other Tests and Examinations

  • Article II : Welding Procedure Qualifications

  • QW-200 : General

  • QW-210 : Preparation of Test Coupon

  • QW-220 : Hybrid Welding Procedure Variables

  • QW-250 : Welding Variables

    • QW-253 : SMAW - WPS Variables

    • QW-254 : SAW - WPS Variables

    • QW-255 : GMAW & FCAW - WPS Variables

    • QW-256 : GTAW - WPS Variables

  • QW-290 : Temper Bead Welding

  • Article III : Welding Performance Qualifications (WPQ)

  • QW-300 : General

  • QW-310 : Qualification Test Coupons

  • QW-320 : Retests and Renewal

  • QW-350 : Welding Variables for Welders

    • QW-353 : SMAW - WPQ Variables

    • QW-354 : SAW - WPQ Variables

    • QW-355 : GMAW & FCAW - WPQ Variables

    • QW-356 : GTAW - WPQ Variables

  • QW-360 : Welding Variables for Welding Operators

  • QW-380 : Special Processes

  • Article IV : Welding Data

  • QW-400 Variables Welding

    • QW-401 : General

    • QW-402 : Joints

    • QW-403 : Base Metals

    • QW-404 : Filler Metals

    • QW-405 : Positions

    • QW-406 : Preheat

    • QW-407 : Postweld Heat Treatment

    • QW-408 : Gas

    • QW-409 : Electrical Characteristics

    • QW-410 : Technique

  • QW-416 : Table QW-416 : Welding Variables for Welder Performance

  • QW-420 : P-Numbers

    • QW-421 : Table - Base Metal Assignment Groups

    • QW-422 : Table - P-Numbers

    • QW-423 : Alternate Base Materials for Welder Qualification

    • QW-424 : Base Metal Used for Procedure Qualification

  • QW-430 : F-Numbers

    • QW-432 : Table - F-Numbers

    • QW-433 : Alternate F-Number for Welder Performance Qualification

  • QW-440 : Weld Metal Composition

    • QW-442 : Table - A-Numbers

  • QW-450 : Specimens

  • QW-451 : Procedure Qualification Thickness Limits & Test Specimens

    • QW-451.1 : Table - Groove Weld Tension Tests & Transverse Bend Tests

    • QW-451.2 : Table - Groove Weld Tension Tests & Longitudinal Bend Tests

    • QW-451.3 : Table - Fillet Weld Tests

    • QW-451.4 : Table - Fillet Welds Qualified by Groove Weld Tests

  • QW-452 : Performance Qualification Thickness Limits and Test Specimens

    • QW-452.1(a) : Table - Test Specimens

    • QW-452.1(b) : Table - Thickness of Weld Metal Qualified

    • QW-452.3 : Table - Groove Weld Diameter Limits

    • QW-452.4 : Table - Small Diameter Fillet Weld Test

    • QW-452.5 : Table - Fillet Weld Test

    • QW-452.6 : Table - Fillet Qualification by Groove Weld Tests

  • QW-460 : Graphics

    • QW-461.9 : Table - Performance Position & Diameter Limitations

  • QW-462 : Test Specimens (Procedure & Performance)

  • QW-470 : Etching

  • Article V : Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (SWPS)

  • QW-500 : General

  • QW-510 : Adoption of SWPSs

  • QW-520 : Use of SWPSs

  • QW-530 : Forms

  • QW-540 : Production Use of SWPSs

  • Article VI : Material Manufacturing Using Wire Additive Welding (new in 2023)

  • QW-600 : General 

  • QW-610 : Qualification Variables for Welding Procedures

  • QW-620 : Specimen Testing & Acceptance Criteria

  • QW-650 : Welding Variables

  • QW-660 : Graphics

Part QB : Brazing

  • Article XI : Brazing General Requirements

  • QB-100 : General

  • QB-110 : Braze Orientation

  • QB-120 : Test Positions

  • QB-140 : Types & Purposes of Tests & Examinations

  • QB-150 : Tension Tests

  • QB-160 : Guided Bend Tests

  • QB-170 : Peel Tests

  • QB-180 : Sectioning Tests

  • Article XII : Brazing Procedure Qualifications (BPS)

  • QB-200 : General 

  • QB-210 : Preparation of Test Coupon

  • QB-250 : Brazing Variables

    • QB-252 : (TB) Torch Brazing

    • QB-253 : (FB) Furnace Brazing

    • QB-254 : (IB) Induction Brazing

    • QB-255 : (RB) Resistance Brazing

    • QB-256 : (DB) Dip Brazing - Salt or Flux Bath

    • QB-257 : (DB) Dip Brazing - Molten Metal Bath

  • Article XIII : Brazing Performance Qualifications (BPQ)

  • QB-300 : General 

  • QB-310 : Qualification Test Coupons

  • QB-320 : Retests and Renewal 

  • QB-350 : Brazing Variables for Brazers

  • Article XIV : Brazing Data

  • QB-400 : Variables Brazing

  • QB-410 : Technique

  • QB-420 : P-Numbers

  • QB-430 : F-Numbers

  • QB-450 : Specimens

  • QB-460 : Graphics

Part QF : Plastic Fusing

  • Article XXI : Plastic Fusing General Requirements

  • QF-100 : Scope

  • QF-110 : Fused Joint Orientation

  • QF-120 : Fused Joint Orientation

  • QF-130 : Data Acquisition & Evaluation

  • QF-140 : Examinations and Tests

  • Article XXII : Fusing Procedure Qualifications (FPS)

  • QF-200 : General

  • QF-220 : Standard Fusing Procedure Specifications (SFPS)

  • QF-250 : Fusing Variables

  • Article XXIII : Plastic Fusing Performance Qualification (FPQ)

  • QF-300 : General 

  • QF-310 : Qualification Test Coupons

  • QF-320 : Retests and Renewal of Qualification

  • QF-360 : Fusing Variables for Fusers and Fusing Operators 

  • Article XXIV : Plastic Fusing Data

  • QF-400 : Variables Fusing

    • QF-401 : General

    • QF-402 : Joints

    • QF-403 : Material

    • QF-404 : Position

    • QF-405 : Thermal Conditions

    • QF-406 : Equipment

    • QF-407 : Technique

  • QF-420 : Material Groupings

  • QF-450 : Pipe Fusing Limits

  • QF-460 : Graphics

  • QF-480 : Forms

  • QF-490 : Definitions


AWS D1.1 Structrual Weld Code - Steel