AWS D1.1 Structrual Weld Code - Steel

2020 Edition

What is the Structural Welding Code AWS D1.1?

AWS D1.1 contains the requirements for qualification of procedures and welders, fabrication, construction or erection, and inspection of welded steel structures that utilize carbon or low alloy steels.

D1.1 is further defined to only apply to metals 1/8" or thicker, which have a yield strength of 100 ksi (690 MPa) or less. 

What is in the Structural Welding Code AWS D1.1?

The sections or chapters of AWS D1.1 are referred to as “Clauses”. Currently there are 11 clauses as of the printing of the 2020 edition, which are as follows. 

  1. General Requirements

    Clause 1

    A definition of scope, safety precautions, limitations, responsibilities, mandatory and non-mandatory definitions, with a reference to welding symbols as detailed in AWS A2.4.

  2. Normative References

    Clause 2

    This is a listing of documents and standards which are referenced within the AWS D1.1 code book.

  3. Terms and Definitions

    Clause 3

    A glossary of terms and their definitions.

  4. Design of Welded Connections

    Clause 4

    Requirements for the design of welded connections.

  5. Prequalification of WPSs

    Clause 5

    Detailed requirements for creating prequalified Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS). Prequalfied WPSs written in conformance to the requirements of this clause are exempt from the Qualification requirements in Clause 6.

  6. Qualification

    Clause 6

    The qualification requirements of the code for PQR/WPS and the performance qualification of welders.

  7. Fabrication

    Clause 7

    Requirements for the fabrication and erection of welded assemblies and structures, as well as materials, weld quality, and dimensional tolerances.

  8. Inspection

    Clause 8

    Requirements for inspection and non-destructive testing are divided up into 7 parts and include contractor responsibilities, acceptance criteria, NDT procedures, and other inspection requirements.

  9. Stud Welding

    Clause 9

    General and specific requirements related to Stud Welding.

  10. Tubular Structures

    Clause 10

    This clause supplements the other clauses and only applies to tubular connections. Tubular refers to circular, rectangular, or square hollow structural sections of material.

  11. Strengthening and Repair of Existing Structures

    Clause 11

    Applies to instances where an existing structure needs strengthened or repaired, and where the Engineer has provided the necessary modifications to be performed.

  12. Annexes

    The annex consists of two major divisions

    Normative Annexes : These annexes are considered part of the standard consisting of Annex A through I

    Informative Annexes : These annexes are not considered part of the standard and are provided for informational purposes consisting of Annex J through T.

  13. Commentary

    The commentary is provided to generate better understanding of the application of the code, and presents background information with some guidance on the intent of the code committee.

What is an AWS D1.1 Prequalified Welding Procedure?

A prequalified welding procedure is one that can be constructed by the rules of the code without qualification testing.

AWS D1.1 Clause 5 contains the applicable requirements and variables which shall be included on the written WPS for Plate, and Clause 10 Part C adds to Clause 5 by providing additional requirements for Tubular Structures.

Use AWS D1.1 form J-2 to create the prequalified welding procedure.

What Information Belongs on an AWS D1.1 Prequalified Welding Procedure?

As described in D1.1 paragraph 5.1 and for the convenience of the WPS author, Annex K provides a checklist of subclauses to confirm all the necessary contents have been included on the prequalified WPS. In some cases the information in Annex K can be listed in the quality or welding program in lieu of being listed on each WPS.

The following sections of AWS D1.1 Clause 5 and Clause 10 summarize the primary requirements for prequalified welding procedures. Make sure to read the entirety of these Clauses to have the complete set of requirements for your application.

Plate : Prequalified WPS : D1.1 Clause 5

  • Be familiar with all the paragraphs contained in Parts A through H

  • Prequalified WPS Requirements : Table 5.1

  • Essential Variables for Prequalified WPS : Table 5.2

  • Properly identify Base Metal Group Numbers : Table 5.3

  • Preheat and Interpass Temperatures : Table 5.8

  • Prequalified Joint Details : Figure 5.1

Pipe or Tubular Structures : Prequalified WPS : D1.1 Clause 10 Part B

  • Fillet Weld : D1.1 Paragraph 10.8

  • PJP Groove : D1.1 Paragraph 10.9

  • CJP Groove : D1.1 Paragraph 10.10

How Do You Qualify an AWS D1.1 Welding Procedure?

AWS D1.1 Part B of Clause 6 “Qualification” applies to qualifying welding procedures in Plate Structures, and Part C of Clause 10 applies to qualifying welding procedures in Tubular Structures. Check to confirm that a prequalified D1.1 welding procedure does not already meet the requirements or intended application.

Using short circuit GMAW, or GTAW are examples where qualification would be required and the requirements and guidance of Clause 6 would be applicable. Annex J of AWS D1.1 provides sample welding forms that can be used to document the qualification (PQR) and procedure (WPS).

Use AWS D1.1 Annex J form J-1 to create the PQR Procedure Qualification Record.

The following sections of AWS D1.1 Clause 6 for Plate and/or Clause 10 for Tubular Structures summarize the primary requirements for qualifying a procedure. Make sure to read the entirety of Clause 6 Part B or Clause 10 Part C to have the complete set of requirements for your application.

Plate : Procedure Qualification : Clause 6 Part B

  • General Requirements : Clause 6 Part A

  • Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Qualification : Clause 6 Part B

  • Positions Qualified : D1.1 Paragraph 6.4, Table 6.1

  • Essential Variables : D1.1 Paragraph 6.8, and Table 6.5

  • PQR Testing & Acceptance Criteria : Paragraph 6.10

    • CJP Groove : D1.1 Table 6.2

    • PJP Groove : D1.1 Table 6.3

    • Fillet Welds : D1.1 Table 6.4

Pipe or Tubular Structures : Procedure Qualification : Clause 10 Part C

  • General Requirements : Clause 6 Part A

  • Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Qualification : Clause 10 Part C

  • Positions Qualified : D1.1 Paragraph 10.12 and Table 10.8

  • Essential Variables : D1.1 Paragraph 6.8, and Table 6.5

  • PQR Testing & Acceptance Criteria : Paragraph 10.13

    • CJP Groove : D1.1 Paragraph 10.14 and Table 10.9

    • PJP Groove : D1.1 Paragraph 10.15 and Table 10.10

    • Fillet Welds : D1.1 Paragraph 10.15 and Table 10.11

What welding processes are approved for welding in AWS D1.1?

The welding processes approved for use with prequalified welding procedures are

  • SMAW : Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Stick Welding)

  • SAW : Submerged Arc Welding (Sub-arc Welding)

  • GMAW : Gas Metal Arc Welding (Mig or Mag Welding)

    • (prequalification does not include the transfer mode of Short Circuit)

  • FCAW : Flux Core Arc Welding

Additional welding processes that are approved for use by D1.1, but which require qualification are

  • GMAW-S : Short Circuit transfer mode of Gas Metal Arc Welding

  • GTAW : Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

  • ESW : Electro-Slag Welding

  • EGW : Electro-Gas Welding

What is Required for a Welder Performance Test in AWS D1.1?

AWS D1.1 Part C of Clause 6 “Qualification” applies to qualifying welders, also known as performance testing.

Use AWS D1.1 Annex J forms J-4 or J-5 to create the welders qualification report.

The following sections of AWS D1.1 Clause 6 summarize the primary requirements for qualifying a welder. Make sure to read the entirety of Clause 6 Part C to have the complete set of requirements for your application.

Plate : Welder Testing : Clause 6 Part C

  • Welder Positions Qualified : AWS D1.1 Paragraph 6.16.1 and Table 6.10

  • Welder Testing Types and Qualified Dimensions : AWS D1.1 Paragraph 6.16.2 and Table 6.11

  • Welder Essential Variables : AWS D1.1 Paragraph 6.17 and Table 6.12

Pipe or Tubular Structures : Welder Testing : Clause 10 Part D

  • Welder Positions Qualified : AWS D1.1 Paragraph 10.16 and Table 10.12

  • Welder Testing Types and Qualified Dimensions : AWS D1.1 Paragraph 10.16 and Table 10.13

  • Welder Essential Variables : AWS D1.1 Paragraph 6.17 and Table 6.12

What Form Should I Use for an AWS D1.1 WPS?

AWS D1.1 provides sample welding forms in Annex J. The main sample forms include templates for

  • WPS : Welding Procedure Specification

  • PQR : Procedure Qualification Record

  • WPQ : Welder Performance Qualification

    • Sometimes also referred to as a

      • WQR : Welder Qualification Record

      • WPQTR : Welder Performance Qualification Test Record

The complete list of sample forms contained in AWS D1.1 Annex J are as follows

  • J-1 : Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) forms

  • J-2 : Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) forms

  • J-3 : WPS Qualification Test Record for Electroslag and Electrogas Welding

  • J-4 : Welder, Welding Operator, or Tack Welder Qualification Test Record (Single-Process)

  • J-5 : Welder, Welding Operator, or Tack Welder Qualification Test Record (Multi-Process)

  • J-6 : Report of Radiographic Examination of Welds

  • J-7 : Report of Magnetic Particle Examination of Welds

  • J-8 : Stud Welding Application Qualification Test, Pre-Production Test, PQR, or WQR Form

What are the Common AWS Structural Welding Code Standards?

  • D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel

  • D1.2 Structural Welding Code - Aluminum

  • D1.3 Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel

  • D1.4 Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel

  • D1.5 Bridge Welding Code

  • D1.6 Structural Welding Code - Stainless Steel

  • D1.7 Strengthening and Repair of Existing Structures

  • D1.8 Structural Welding Code - Seismic Supplement 

  • D1.9 Structural Welding Code - Titanium

What are the responsibilities of an AWS D1.1 Contractor?


The Engineer for the project is responsible to develop and define the contract documents, such as the scope of work, drawings, and project specifications. D1.1 makes specific allowance for the Engineer to modify requirements of this code, and requires that the specific changes are incorporated into the contract documents mentioned above. If any modifications have been made by the Engineer they should be well understood during estimating, and should be confirmed or clarified before contracts are signed.


The Contractor is responsible for meeting the requirements of the contract as well as the D1.1 code. The Contractor shall supply Welding Procedures (WPS) that conform to D1.1, qualification of skilled welders, the Contractors inspections, materials as specified, and to perform their work in conformance to the contract documents and D1.1.


The following are two types of inspectors as defined in AWS D1.1, specific details are included in Clause 8 of D1.1.

Contractor’s Inspector: supplied by the Contractor whose duties include welding inspection as well as inspections that ensure materials and workmanship meet the meet the requirements of the contract documents and D1.1.

Verification Inspector: D1.1 does not mandate a verification inspector but instead specifies that the Engineer shall determine if they will require it for the project. The Engineer should disclose this requirement in the contract, so the Contractor is aware that they will have to interface and coordinate with a Verification Inspector. The Verification Inspector works on behalf of the Engineer who also defines what their official responsibilities will be.

Mandatory vs Non-Mandatory Requirements of AWS D1.1

AWS D1.1 includes definitions to clarify to all parties what is mandatory vs non-mandatory in the code. The following is a summary of those definitions.

Shall: References using “shall” are mandatory; unless specifically modified in contract documents by the Engineer.

Should: References using “should” are non-mandatory recommended practices that are considered beneficial, but are not required.

May: References using “may” are non-mandatory or optional, which could supplement the code requirements.

General Structure and Organization of AWS D1.1

  1. General Requirements

  2. Normative References

  3. Terms and Definitions

  4. Design of Welded Components

    • Part A : Common Design of Welded Connections (Tubular & Nontubular)

    • Part B : Design of Welded Nontubular Connections (Static or Cyclical)

    • Part C : Design of Nontubular Connections (Cyclical)

  5. Prequalification of WPSs

    • Part A : Part A : WPS Development

    • Part B : Base Metal

    • Part C : Weld Joints

    • Part D : Welding Process

    • Part E : Filler Metals and Shielding Gases

    • Part F : Preheat and Interpass Temperatures

    • Part G : WPS Requirements

    • Part H : PWHT Requirements

  6. Qualification

    • Part A : General Requirements

    • Part B : Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Qualification

    • Part C : Performance Qualification

    • Part D : Requirements for CVN Toughness Testing

  7. Fabrication

  8. Inspection

    • Part A : General Requirements

    • Part B : Contractor Responsibilities

    • Part C : Acceptance Criteria

    • Part D : NDT Procedures

    • Part E : Radiographic Testing (RT)

    • Part F : Ultrasonic Testing (UT) of Groove Welds

    • Part G : Other Examination Methods

  9. Stud Welding

  10. Tubular Structures

    • Part A : Design of Tubular Connections

    • Part B : Prequalification of Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs)

    • Part C : Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Qualification

    • Part D : Performance Qualification

    • Part E : Fabrication

    • Part F : Inspection

  11. Strengthening and Repair of Existing Structures

  12. Annexes

    • Annex A : Effective Throats of Fillet Welds in Skewed T-Joints

    • Annex B : Guideline on Alternative Methods for Determining Preheat

    • Annex D : Temperature-Moisture Content Charts

    • Annex E : Flatness of Girder Webs - Statically Loaded Structures

    • Annex F : Flatness of Girder Webs - Cyclically Loaded Structures

    • Annex G : Qualification and Calibration of UT Units with Reference Blocks

    • Annex H : Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) 

    • Annex I : Symbols for Tubular Connection Weld Design

    • Annex J : Sample Welding Forms

    • Annex K : Contents of Prequalified WPS

    • Annex L : Filler Metal Strength Properties

    • Annex M : AWS A5.36 Filler Metal Classification and Properties

    • Annex N : Guide for Specification Writers

    • Annex O : UT Examination of Welds by Alternative Techniques

    • Annex P : UT Equipment Qualification and Inspection Forms

    • Annex Q : Local Dihedral Angle

    • Annex R : Ovalizing Parameter Alpha

    • Annex S : List of Reference Documents

    • Annex T : Guidelines for the Preparation of Technical Inquiries

  13. Commentary


ASME Section IX